I had an amazing time the other day hanging out on playground toys too small for us. I hung out with two junior high girls. We first visited another Wyld Life leader and ate entirely too much Yummy's cake (or maybe that was just me...) and then we randomly decided to stop at a playground and played on those springy animal toys that you can rock back and forth on. It was great fun. It brought me back to my "little kid Katie" (as Addie calls it). Really, I think the best kind of fun is the unplanned, spontaneous, laid-back, random kind. We laughed so hard and made silly "pew pew" noises as we threw woodchips at each other. It made me happy to remember that you don't have to try to be anything you're not at anytime - like happy and energetic when you're really tired and apathetic. I just decided to be myself and relax and we had a blast.
So I packed (pretty much everything I need for the next month, minus toilettries) last night. Now, I'm just lounging, watching TV and movies, hanging out with my dad a bit. And I realize I have a few errands/odds and ends I need to tie up before I leave, such as paying rent, buying last minute Wal-Mart items, saying bye to my roommate who will be moving out while I'm gone (don't worry, we're not too attached to each other...).
I rarely enjoy doing nothing with my day, but today, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think I needed this "nothing" time before spending time with family and then work crew bossing at Castaway!
Such a great summer:)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Back in Iowa City for a bit
I am back in Iowa City for a bit. It is good, but odd at the same time. After being gone from the community for a while, I have difficulty engaging in it again when I know I'll be gone for another 4 weeks. I had some good time with my junior high friends tonight, but I realized I felt a little detached because I haven't spent time with them in a while. I know this is temporary and relationships will be reestablished when I get back in August.
My next stop: family reunion near Green Bay Wisconsin (July 20-24), then work crew boss at Castaway Club (YL camp) in Detroit Lakes, MN (July 24-Aug. 14).
I'm taking these days to do laundry, visit a few friends, rest, appreciate alone time, pray, and pack for the next part of my summer.
My next stop: family reunion near Green Bay Wisconsin (July 20-24), then work crew boss at Castaway Club (YL camp) in Detroit Lakes, MN (July 24-Aug. 14).
I'm taking these days to do laundry, visit a few friends, rest, appreciate alone time, pray, and pack for the next part of my summer.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I have a bunch of pictures from the past few days. We went to Black Canyon near Montrose, CO. We also went to Leadville, CO (a mining town) and stayed at a supposedly haunted hotel. We've started to talk about mining minerals and the economic/political/etc. issues involved. We also went to the mining museum. Cool stuff:)

Me at Black Canyon

We drove a lot:)

"The best geology is done on the hood of a car or on a napkin in a restaurant." - Professor Dunkhase

A geology birthday cake - complete with the dragons from a previous picture and the Morrison Formation on the right (sandstone=yellow, red and green = shale; from Jurassic Period). And gneiss (said "nice")= a kind of precambrian rock... lots of jokes made from that:)

Love the continental divide passes:)

An old mine (from the 1800s) above Leadville, CO.

A pretty church in downtown Leadville, CO. (about 10,200 ft elevation)

Sun setting over Mt. Crested Butte (from our condo:))

The sky as the sun sets - awesome:)
Monday, July 6, 2009
First day of Geology class in Crested Butte
This morning (Monday), we took a relatively mild hike to get acclimatized and start to take in the scenery. We learned some about the Cretaceous period - including learning how shale and Mesa Verde sandstone was formed during this time (shale from the mud of the ocean that was once here, sandstone from the beach of the ocean). Then, about 35 mil. years ago, igneous intrusions shot up through the weak areas in the soft shale and formed the peaks we now see. These intrusions caused the shale to turn into slate (the heat caused the shale to harden into slate).
Here are a few pix from our day. Really - it is probably one of the most beautiful places I have been. It is so green and the mountains are breathtaking. The wildflowers are in full bloom right now, too!

Our trusty guide (professor), John Dunkhase. He's a professor at Iowa but is a mountain man at heart.

Here are a few pix from our day. Really - it is probably one of the most beautiful places I have been. It is so green and the mountains are breathtaking. The wildflowers are in full bloom right now, too!

Our trusty guide (professor), John Dunkhase. He's a professor at Iowa but is a mountain man at heart.

A typical day in the field - gorgeous, learning about rocks. John dubs it a "learning vacation" - so great:)

No words for this one, really...

Living a dream: laying in a field of wildflowers. "In open fields of wildflowers, she breathes the air and flies away. She thanks her Jesus for the daisies and the roses, in no simple language. Someday she'll understand the meaning of it all." (Jars of Clay, Love Song for a Savior)

Yep, just taking a break from rock-learning in a field of wildflowers - columbines to be exact, and checking out the scenery.
That's all for now - time to get some rest - tomorrow we're heading to Gunnison to learn more about rocks:) Til then - have a wonderful evening.
And remember - our God is the God of all - of Iowa, of Colorado, of flat "boring" plains, of towering gorgeous mountains, of you, of me. It boggles my mind.
That's all for now - time to get some rest - tomorrow we're heading to Gunnison to learn more about rocks:) Til then - have a wonderful evening.
And remember - our God is the God of all - of Iowa, of Colorado, of flat "boring" plains, of towering gorgeous mountains, of you, of me. It boggles my mind.
A couple things I learned while at Wilderness
Single ladies - rest in God. If He has put a desire in your heart for a relationship with a man, He will provide. Do not believe the lies from the Enemy. And don't compromise for any old guy. Also - no one is perfect, so resist the temptation to put people on pedestals.
It's the people, not the mountains that make Wilderness Ranch an amazing place. Sure, the mountains don't hurt, but the people are what makes the community great. Even being there for just 4 days - I felt loved, met nearly everyone there I hadn't yet met, and felt a part of the community.
Everyone feels lost in the crowd sometimes. Turn to God at these times - don't put your efforts into securing human praise, because it is fleeting. God is unchanging and He is always seeking your heart.
Next post to be some pix from my first day at Crested Butte.
It's the people, not the mountains that make Wilderness Ranch an amazing place. Sure, the mountains don't hurt, but the people are what makes the community great. Even being there for just 4 days - I felt loved, met nearly everyone there I hadn't yet met, and felt a part of the community.
Everyone feels lost in the crowd sometimes. Turn to God at these times - don't put your efforts into securing human praise, because it is fleeting. God is unchanging and He is always seeking your heart.
Next post to be some pix from my first day at Crested Butte.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Couple pix from the Ranch
Here are pictures from my trip to the Ranch and into Crested Butte after the Ranch. I am now at Mt. Crested Butte in a condo - the first night of our Geology class. We start tomorrow.
I only have one pic from my time there - from fireworks on the 4th at Lake City!! I didn't take too many pix while at the Ranch because (1) I already have them from 2 years ago and (2) I was helping out most of the time and not picture-taking. Enjoy the ones I did take:)

Fireworks on the 4th in Lake City, CO! My first time as part of this Ranch tradition:)
Lake San Cristobal scenic overlook off of 149 on the way to Lake City. It is SO beautiful:) I wish I had taken a few more minutes to take it in and less picture-taking:)
You can see the 14er Uncompagre (sp?) just above the other mountains. I think it's the mountain that Dr. Seuss used as inspiration for the mountain in Grinch.

Just getting into Crested Butte - I think that's Mt. Crested Butte on the right there? Not sure...

I only have one pic from my time there - from fireworks on the 4th at Lake City!! I didn't take too many pix while at the Ranch because (1) I already have them from 2 years ago and (2) I was helping out most of the time and not picture-taking. Enjoy the ones I did take:)

The road into the Ranch! So pretty:)

Just getting into Crested Butte - I think that's Mt. Crested Butte on the right there? Not sure...

View from our condo at Mt. Crested Butte! SO great! A little ritzy- but this is where we get to stay for the next 9 days!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
At Wilderness Ranch
I made it safely to Wilderness Ranch yesterday by 5pm - in time for dinner:) And I'm done with driving for a few days - probably 17-18 hours total over the last 3 days - ick...
The Ranch got satellite internet since the last time I was here so I am near the office on the internet... Today's most people's day off at camp, but I am staying around to help out with whatever work needs to get done. The pace is slower on day off - well, it's slower at Wilderness than most camps probably anyway, and I'm waiting for lunch which a few people went to go pick up from Freeman's (a short drive away). I got to help foodpack this morning - put a bunch of apples and oranges and brown sugar in double bags (just what they sound like - two bags put inside one another) for next week's trips. Not sure what the agenda is for this afternoon, but I think I need a nap at some point (didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night - new bed and all... top bunks are difficult to get in and out of...).
I am at the Ranch til Sunday - and then headed to Crested Butte for the class. I'm excited to catch up with old friends (have done a bit already) and meet and work alongside a few others too. I'm trying to remember that I'm a guest and not a true member of the present community here - trying to respect their space and not be too demanding of people's time or resources. A few people I know are out on the trail right now, too - so I'm excited to see them on Friday - not sure they know I'm here - so that'll be a fun suprise:)
I hope that I can serve this community well while I'm here by being willing to do whatever needs to be done. I also hope that I let myself relax and dig into the Lord during down time - I have difficulty relaxing sometimes and finding something "to do."
Hope y'all have a great day and I will post again tomorrow:)
The Ranch got satellite internet since the last time I was here so I am near the office on the internet... Today's most people's day off at camp, but I am staying around to help out with whatever work needs to get done. The pace is slower on day off - well, it's slower at Wilderness than most camps probably anyway, and I'm waiting for lunch which a few people went to go pick up from Freeman's (a short drive away). I got to help foodpack this morning - put a bunch of apples and oranges and brown sugar in double bags (just what they sound like - two bags put inside one another) for next week's trips. Not sure what the agenda is for this afternoon, but I think I need a nap at some point (didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night - new bed and all... top bunks are difficult to get in and out of...).
I am at the Ranch til Sunday - and then headed to Crested Butte for the class. I'm excited to catch up with old friends (have done a bit already) and meet and work alongside a few others too. I'm trying to remember that I'm a guest and not a true member of the present community here - trying to respect their space and not be too demanding of people's time or resources. A few people I know are out on the trail right now, too - so I'm excited to see them on Friday - not sure they know I'm here - so that'll be a fun suprise:)
I hope that I can serve this community well while I'm here by being willing to do whatever needs to be done. I also hope that I let myself relax and dig into the Lord during down time - I have difficulty relaxing sometimes and finding something "to do."
Hope y'all have a great day and I will post again tomorrow:)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Trip out to Colorado - Days 1 and 2
Here are some photos from my trip to Colorado so far! I took most of them while driving...Don't worry - no accidents.
Sunset at a park in downtown Denver - I was visiting my friend Jenny who is doing an internship in Denver for June and July. There was a jazz fest going on here and it was really fun:)
First photo from Dinosaur Ridge - the ripples on these rocks were made by waves of water - the rocks at one point were horizontal, but got pushed up more vertically.

This impression is supposed to be a dinosaur foot print from the underside. The ground became depressed and the rock filled it in, leaving a "fossilized footprint."
A top view of a dinosaur footprint.
Getting close to Buena Vista - here's Mount Princeton!
Downtown Salida!! That's where I'm staying now - I'll try to take a pic of the hostel I'm staying at:) It's really cute - meeting a lot of cool people - a few who are hiking the Continental Divide trail (crazy! but SO cool), another is biking it, a couple other guys are running here to get in better shape. I feel pretty out of shape, but it's fun to hear their stories! And I've gotten to see a few friends from Wilderness, too!

One of the many dinosaur bones. I think they said this one was probably a vertebrae. The bones soak up some of the minerals in the rock and are visible because they are shinier than the sandstone around them.

This impression is supposed to be a dinosaur foot print from the underside. The ground became depressed and the rock filled it in, leaving a "fossilized footprint."

I'm in Colorado!
I'm here - well, I've been in Colorado since last night. I stayed with a friend in Denver, had lunch with some fam this afternoon and am now in Salida at a hostel a friend owns. I will try to upload pix on here later tonight and give the down-low on my trip so far. The mountains are so beautiful!!! And it's much cooler than Iowa - yay!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Great family, great friends
1st of all - see Transformers 2 - it was great -action, comedy, kissing..., teary eyes. Good, good.
Next, tell your family you love them. And give them grace. My mom died in December and I am learning how to live this "new normal" life. I don't always choose patience with my family, but when I give them grace, it is wonderful. I live for the unplanned bonding moments - like tonight with my dad - when we have good conversation and make dinner together (though tonight was rushed a little... sorry Dad:))
Also - friends are wonderful. I have friends of many different sorts - old friends that have known me forever, pretty old friends who I'm really close to from college or my 1st round of grad school, newer friends within the last 2 years in Iowa City, friends from class, friends from church, friends from work, new friends from my apartment building and their friends:) All of these are awesome and wonderful and amazing. My favorite is when you can call up a friend whenever just to say hi or when you can say - "hey, let's go do....[fill in blank]" randomly and they actually will! And friends who really nothing is said or explained and you really just met a few weeks ago, but you feel like you've known each other longer and there's just a peace about that friendship.
What I love most about friendships is when they are God-centered. I think that's when you really start to feel like family - when a 2-week knowing of someone can be a broken-down barrier leading to a feeling like you are loved and cared for by someone. It's when you don't get a lot of chances to talk to a really close friend because you live in different states or across the country, but when you do talk or visit each other, it's like you're just picking up where you left off - there are never any hard feelings for not talking as much and you love to just be in each others' presence. It doesn't matter what you do when you hang out. It's great.
So take a minute and thank God for the people He's put in your life. Yeah - even the more difficult relationships. He is teaching you something through each one - easy or hard, close or distant.
Thanks to all my family and friends! You are wonderful!
P.S. Tomorrow's my last day teaching this program! I will miss some things about the students and hope they enjoyed at least some parts of it! Tomorrow, they will be making presentations in the morning and we'll be doing wrap-up stuff in the afternoon - pretty laid-back. I hope I don't check out too early...ha
And then frantic (well, at least quick) laundry so I can pack for Colorado!!!!! This is when the blogging really comes into play - when I'm away and climbing in the mountains:) yay! I will try to venture into posting pics too.
Next, tell your family you love them. And give them grace. My mom died in December and I am learning how to live this "new normal" life. I don't always choose patience with my family, but when I give them grace, it is wonderful. I live for the unplanned bonding moments - like tonight with my dad - when we have good conversation and make dinner together (though tonight was rushed a little... sorry Dad:))
Also - friends are wonderful. I have friends of many different sorts - old friends that have known me forever, pretty old friends who I'm really close to from college or my 1st round of grad school, newer friends within the last 2 years in Iowa City, friends from class, friends from church, friends from work, new friends from my apartment building and their friends:) All of these are awesome and wonderful and amazing. My favorite is when you can call up a friend whenever just to say hi or when you can say - "hey, let's go do....[fill in blank]" randomly and they actually will! And friends who really nothing is said or explained and you really just met a few weeks ago, but you feel like you've known each other longer and there's just a peace about that friendship.
What I love most about friendships is when they are God-centered. I think that's when you really start to feel like family - when a 2-week knowing of someone can be a broken-down barrier leading to a feeling like you are loved and cared for by someone. It's when you don't get a lot of chances to talk to a really close friend because you live in different states or across the country, but when you do talk or visit each other, it's like you're just picking up where you left off - there are never any hard feelings for not talking as much and you love to just be in each others' presence. It doesn't matter what you do when you hang out. It's great.
So take a minute and thank God for the people He's put in your life. Yeah - even the more difficult relationships. He is teaching you something through each one - easy or hard, close or distant.
Thanks to all my family and friends! You are wonderful!
P.S. Tomorrow's my last day teaching this program! I will miss some things about the students and hope they enjoyed at least some parts of it! Tomorrow, they will be making presentations in the morning and we'll be doing wrap-up stuff in the afternoon - pretty laid-back. I hope I don't check out too early...ha
And then frantic (well, at least quick) laundry so I can pack for Colorado!!!!! This is when the blogging really comes into play - when I'm away and climbing in the mountains:) yay! I will try to venture into posting pics too.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tell your story
I was at a Bible study with some friends in my apartment building tonight. We're reading through the gospel of John and were on chapters 8 and 9 tonight. We discussed a lot of cool stuff. One thing that stuck out to me was John 9:25. When a blind man is made to see by Jesus, he's asked who this Jesus guy is. And the man replies: "Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that thought I was blind, now I see."
Coming back from Wyld Life camp, we heard a lot of the girls' questions about who God is, why Jesus had to die, etc., and then I continued to really consider these questions for myself (and realizing I really have no idea for some of them). I realized that I don't have most of the answers (if any) nor do I really know for sure on why I believe in God. In fact, I don't think anyone could give you a for sure answer to any of those tough questions - a pretty good answer, yes, but no one knows for sure. The thing I do know is my story. I know how Jesus has impacted my life and that is what I can tell. In the same way, the formerly blind man doesn't know how to explain what happened to him, nor does he really know who Jesus is at this point (he talks to Jesus more a few verses later). What he DOES know is that he was blind but now can see. Jesus gave him sight. Wow. What is it that Jesus has done for you? When you're unsure of how to talk about your faith or share it with others, or explain why you believe (because it's nearly impossible sometimes!) - tell your story. Even Jesus didn't always explain. He wanted people to experience life with Him - not just to hear about it. He says "come and see," and "follow me."
Another thought to ponder: I don't hold to the saying "There's a reason for everything." Instead, I think it should be: "God can work good in all things and situations."
Have a wonderful night! I'm going canoeing/cleaning up a river tomorrow with the class I'm teaching - 14 sixteen and under-year-olds and 4 other adults. Pray for safety and fun!
Coming back from Wyld Life camp, we heard a lot of the girls' questions about who God is, why Jesus had to die, etc., and then I continued to really consider these questions for myself (and realizing I really have no idea for some of them). I realized that I don't have most of the answers (if any) nor do I really know for sure on why I believe in God. In fact, I don't think anyone could give you a for sure answer to any of those tough questions - a pretty good answer, yes, but no one knows for sure. The thing I do know is my story. I know how Jesus has impacted my life and that is what I can tell. In the same way, the formerly blind man doesn't know how to explain what happened to him, nor does he really know who Jesus is at this point (he talks to Jesus more a few verses later). What he DOES know is that he was blind but now can see. Jesus gave him sight. Wow. What is it that Jesus has done for you? When you're unsure of how to talk about your faith or share it with others, or explain why you believe (because it's nearly impossible sometimes!) - tell your story. Even Jesus didn't always explain. He wanted people to experience life with Him - not just to hear about it. He says "come and see," and "follow me."
Another thought to ponder: I don't hold to the saying "There's a reason for everything." Instead, I think it should be: "God can work good in all things and situations."
Have a wonderful night! I'm going canoeing/cleaning up a river tomorrow with the class I'm teaching - 14 sixteen and under-year-olds and 4 other adults. Pray for safety and fun!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Go see Up
Loved the movie Up - go see it. It has some sad parts, but mostly happy ones. It's a story of dreaming, accepting, and living life anew. It's a Pixar animated film, but it is done SO well. And the short film shown right before it called "Partly Cloudy" is hilarious!
One week left of the class I'm teaching (1/2 way there!). I'll be happy when it's done - not that it's going bad, just that it's a little stressful and I put pressure on myself. The students are students and it's summer and they don't always want to be there - I understand... But I feel like I need to have their attention at all times and that they need to be on-task at all times. So I'm hoping that the way I shaped the curriculum lets them learn something new and experience science and a college campus! I've gotten a couple "that was fun" and "I want to be a professional water tester" (or something like that), which is a long way from the 1st few days of feeling like they didn't want to be there at all! So that's more than nothing!
I'm mostly excited to be done teaching because that means I get to go to Colorado - see my friend Jenny Ackerson!, go visit my friends' hostel in Salida, visit and serve at Wilderness Ranch for a few days!, and take a geology class in the mountains of Crested Butte - B-E-A-U-tiful!! I'll try to take a lot of pictures and post them. I'm not always good at that, but I feel like I'll want to share them! So here's hoping:)
And then comes a few days off and then family vacation and then work crew boss-ing at Castaway! I'm beginning to pray for our team's time there and for all the WC kids! I'm a dining hall boss and I'm praying for wisdom and openness in working with the other WC boss (Ron) - so our leadership styles mesh well and we can communicate well. I'm praying for the kids, too and for the rest of the assigned team. A little over a month!
P.S. Can you believe June is 2/3's over?? Okay, don't think about it anymore... Just enjoy your evening, this minute, your day!! Don't wish any days away - live the journey of your life!
One week left of the class I'm teaching (1/2 way there!). I'll be happy when it's done - not that it's going bad, just that it's a little stressful and I put pressure on myself. The students are students and it's summer and they don't always want to be there - I understand... But I feel like I need to have their attention at all times and that they need to be on-task at all times. So I'm hoping that the way I shaped the curriculum lets them learn something new and experience science and a college campus! I've gotten a couple "that was fun" and "I want to be a professional water tester" (or something like that), which is a long way from the 1st few days of feeling like they didn't want to be there at all! So that's more than nothing!
I'm mostly excited to be done teaching because that means I get to go to Colorado - see my friend Jenny Ackerson!, go visit my friends' hostel in Salida, visit and serve at Wilderness Ranch for a few days!, and take a geology class in the mountains of Crested Butte - B-E-A-U-tiful!! I'll try to take a lot of pictures and post them. I'm not always good at that, but I feel like I'll want to share them! So here's hoping:)
And then comes a few days off and then family vacation and then work crew boss-ing at Castaway! I'm beginning to pray for our team's time there and for all the WC kids! I'm a dining hall boss and I'm praying for wisdom and openness in working with the other WC boss (Ron) - so our leadership styles mesh well and we can communicate well. I'm praying for the kids, too and for the rest of the assigned team. A little over a month!
P.S. Can you believe June is 2/3's over?? Okay, don't think about it anymore... Just enjoy your evening, this minute, your day!! Don't wish any days away - live the journey of your life!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Long time no post
So, I'm back from camp and it was tiring, hard, but oh so great, too. It took me a few days after getting back to recoop and be able to start thinking about all the good things that happened and all the walls that came down! We started our first post-camp DIG (deeper in God) or cabin-time and I think it went really well! We're going to try to do those weekly with the girls - whoever can come, and whoever new wants to join. I feel bad that I won't be there for a lot of them over the summer, but Megan is going to try to keep doing them:) Yay!
I'm currently teaching a class on water pollution and water quality for Native Amercan students from Iowa, Arizona, and South Dakota. The first few days were a struggle as the students got used to the schedule and I got used to not feeling like I was a star teacher every minute of the day (go figure). I learned to be more flexible and expect more out of the students even when they seemed to not be interested right away. We spent the day outside today sampling water from a local creek and near a local spillway. I think the students liked getting out and getting some hands-on experience in the field. And I liked having a couple additional teachers on-hand in the form of DNR employees who do this training for a living! It was great. I've been learning how to be okay getting things together last-minute as I can't always rely on everyone to think ahead as much as I do - ha. For instance, I am getting an ID and password set up tomorrow morning to use to enter our sampling data into an online database tomorrow morning - eek! Without the ID and password, we can't go any further, so I have a "stall plan" and am trusting that it will work out okay. Also - we changed our sampling site last minute today due to high water levels and I am SO happy it didn't down pour all day so that we c0uld be outside - otherwise I would have had to come up with 5 hours of inside class work - again, eek!
The students are starting individual research projects (informational and experimental in some cases) which they will get to present on the last day (next Friday). They seem pretty interested and I like that they get some choice in this - let them feel excited about learning! And take some pressure off of me to make things interesting. We'll also be doing some tours - of the Iowa City water treatment plant tomorrow, of a research lab on campus on Monday - again, chances for others to talk and a little less pressure for me :) yay! Then we'll have some medical school and nursing school simulations and visits which I hope will be fun for the students. And I think I'm going to loosely structure the rest of the time for the students to work on their presentations.
One problem I ran into that stressed me out a little was that they were going through the material a lot faster than I had planned. Either that or I was getting nervous that they weren't interested and just moved them along faster - oops. So I was forced to come up with a couple other things to do last minute - so I am learning that I need to plan more things than we have time for in case we actually have time for them - ha!
Phew - well, I'm learning a lot and I hope the students are getting something out of it! Another challenge is that they are all at such different levels of science knowledge. Two are almost taking AP Chemistry and Biology courses at the HS in Iowa City (really good HS), while many of them don't even have science labs in their schools nor have they had much science classes! So, I'm trying to create a curriculum that works for all of them - how do teachers do this every day?? I'm learning and I guess I have to if I'm going to do this next year:) hehe
Okay - long post... but it brings you up to date to where I'm at today. Almost 1/2 way through teaching the course and then off to Colorado soon after that - doesn't seem like it's so soon, because I have so much to do with the class before that!
I love life! It's great and I hope you all are doing well, too!
I'm currently teaching a class on water pollution and water quality for Native Amercan students from Iowa, Arizona, and South Dakota. The first few days were a struggle as the students got used to the schedule and I got used to not feeling like I was a star teacher every minute of the day (go figure). I learned to be more flexible and expect more out of the students even when they seemed to not be interested right away. We spent the day outside today sampling water from a local creek and near a local spillway. I think the students liked getting out and getting some hands-on experience in the field. And I liked having a couple additional teachers on-hand in the form of DNR employees who do this training for a living! It was great. I've been learning how to be okay getting things together last-minute as I can't always rely on everyone to think ahead as much as I do - ha. For instance, I am getting an ID and password set up tomorrow morning to use to enter our sampling data into an online database tomorrow morning - eek! Without the ID and password, we can't go any further, so I have a "stall plan" and am trusting that it will work out okay. Also - we changed our sampling site last minute today due to high water levels and I am SO happy it didn't down pour all day so that we c0uld be outside - otherwise I would have had to come up with 5 hours of inside class work - again, eek!
The students are starting individual research projects (informational and experimental in some cases) which they will get to present on the last day (next Friday). They seem pretty interested and I like that they get some choice in this - let them feel excited about learning! And take some pressure off of me to make things interesting. We'll also be doing some tours - of the Iowa City water treatment plant tomorrow, of a research lab on campus on Monday - again, chances for others to talk and a little less pressure for me :) yay! Then we'll have some medical school and nursing school simulations and visits which I hope will be fun for the students. And I think I'm going to loosely structure the rest of the time for the students to work on their presentations.
One problem I ran into that stressed me out a little was that they were going through the material a lot faster than I had planned. Either that or I was getting nervous that they weren't interested and just moved them along faster - oops. So I was forced to come up with a couple other things to do last minute - so I am learning that I need to plan more things than we have time for in case we actually have time for them - ha!
Phew - well, I'm learning a lot and I hope the students are getting something out of it! Another challenge is that they are all at such different levels of science knowledge. Two are almost taking AP Chemistry and Biology courses at the HS in Iowa City (really good HS), while many of them don't even have science labs in their schools nor have they had much science classes! So, I'm trying to create a curriculum that works for all of them - how do teachers do this every day?? I'm learning and I guess I have to if I'm going to do this next year:) hehe
Okay - long post... but it brings you up to date to where I'm at today. Almost 1/2 way through teaching the course and then off to Colorado soon after that - doesn't seem like it's so soon, because I have so much to do with the class before that!
I love life! It's great and I hope you all are doing well, too!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Heading home from camp
I am in the bus heading home from wyld life camp at Timber Wolf Lake in Michigan. Camp had less luster for me this year - it seemed harder for me to lead but it was great for the kids. I have to admit that I am ready to spend a day away from junior high girls:) it can.be hard sometimes to connect with them without feeling fake sometimes... Anyway - trying to sleep and relax on the bus...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Selfish with my time
So summer is here (and has been for a few weeks), which means I have more time for myself. At first, this is tough for me, as I am used to being pretty scheduled during the semester and the shock of freedom from this is off-setting for me. Though, after a couple weeks, I ease into a good rhythm of getting together with friends, reading, sleeping, wondering what exciting things I will do with my day.
So, now, I feel like I'm becoming somewhat selfish with my time - my "what exciting thing can I do with my day" time - the time I get to just sit, think, wonder, do, relax, reflect, laugh with friends, eat with family, read, wonder, sleep. So... then comes a request from my dad to help him out and I feel myself responding with "what? but what about my time? my precious time to...well...do nothing? I have a hard time making that switch back to giving time to others when I have to resort to spending so much time by myself, relying on myself to make decisions about what I will do with my time. I feel stuck and easily irritated and realizing that I'm not really being me - some irritated, crabby, selfish side of me is coming out. Do you know what I mean? If so, do you know why this happens? What do you do to get out of this bad spot?
On another note, I am leaving for camp Tuesday bright and early and am excited:) I have to get some stuff done beforehand, though (something which I am not used to having to do right before camp), and am finding myself wondering if it will all get done...? Does it all have to get done? Can I just "wing" some of the specifics of my teaching when I get back from camp? I have the first week planned out pretty well and have to finish putting together the handouts, but otherwise, I think I'm good for week 1. Week 2 - I have some open spots that need to be structured a little, but I will have some time during week 1 to work on that, right? and the weekend in between? I just hope I won't be kicking myself wondering why I didn't do a better job of getting everything done before camp...
The reason I am going on about this is that I am realizing that I need to take some intentional time with God these next couple days. Camp is amazing and awesome, but it is draining and I need to make sure my roots are in the right spot and digging deep before I try to love the campers and my fellow leaders well. So, do I make sure my curriculum is all done or do I make sure to prepare myself enough? Both? I suppose neither will be perfect, so I can only keep on keeping on towards Jesus and doing my best each day. I'm praying these days don't become just time to "get things done."
On a lighter note - I hung out with some old and new friends tonight and played Apples to Apples - it was fun, but I have a hard time feeling the need to play hostess and making sure everyone is having a great time... I think I always assume if someone isn't smiling the whole time it means they are having the worst time ever... I put too much pressure on myself... Sigh... Well, I think it was fun, and I'm going to get off my case now...
Thanks for reading:)
So, now, I feel like I'm becoming somewhat selfish with my time - my "what exciting thing can I do with my day" time - the time I get to just sit, think, wonder, do, relax, reflect, laugh with friends, eat with family, read, wonder, sleep. So... then comes a request from my dad to help him out and I feel myself responding with "what? but what about my time? my precious time to...well...do nothing? I have a hard time making that switch back to giving time to others when I have to resort to spending so much time by myself, relying on myself to make decisions about what I will do with my time. I feel stuck and easily irritated and realizing that I'm not really being me - some irritated, crabby, selfish side of me is coming out. Do you know what I mean? If so, do you know why this happens? What do you do to get out of this bad spot?
On another note, I am leaving for camp Tuesday bright and early and am excited:) I have to get some stuff done beforehand, though (something which I am not used to having to do right before camp), and am finding myself wondering if it will all get done...? Does it all have to get done? Can I just "wing" some of the specifics of my teaching when I get back from camp? I have the first week planned out pretty well and have to finish putting together the handouts, but otherwise, I think I'm good for week 1. Week 2 - I have some open spots that need to be structured a little, but I will have some time during week 1 to work on that, right? and the weekend in between? I just hope I won't be kicking myself wondering why I didn't do a better job of getting everything done before camp...
The reason I am going on about this is that I am realizing that I need to take some intentional time with God these next couple days. Camp is amazing and awesome, but it is draining and I need to make sure my roots are in the right spot and digging deep before I try to love the campers and my fellow leaders well. So, do I make sure my curriculum is all done or do I make sure to prepare myself enough? Both? I suppose neither will be perfect, so I can only keep on keeping on towards Jesus and doing my best each day. I'm praying these days don't become just time to "get things done."
On a lighter note - I hung out with some old and new friends tonight and played Apples to Apples - it was fun, but I have a hard time feeling the need to play hostess and making sure everyone is having a great time... I think I always assume if someone isn't smiling the whole time it means they are having the worst time ever... I put too much pressure on myself... Sigh... Well, I think it was fun, and I'm going to get off my case now...
Thanks for reading:)
Monday, June 1, 2009
This is Home
Yep, another one from Prince Caspian. I love the description of being "created for a place I've never known."
This is Home - Switchfoot
I've got my memories
Always inside of me
But I can't go back
Back to how it was
I believe now
I've come too far
No I can't go back
Back to how it was
Created for a place I've never known
This is home
Now I'm finally where I belong, where I belong
Yeah, this is home
I've been searching for a place of my own
Now I found it, maybe this is home
Yeah, this is home
Belief over misery
I've seen the enemy
And I won't go back
Back to how it was
And I got my heart set on what happens next
I got my eyes wide it's not over yet
We're miracles, and we're not alone.
And now, after all my searching
After all my questions
I'm gonna call it home
I got a brand new mindset
I can finally see the sunset
I'm gonna call it home
Now I know
Yeah, this is home
I've come too far
And I won't go back
Yeah this is home.
This is Home - Switchfoot
I've got my memories
Always inside of me
But I can't go back
Back to how it was
I believe now
I've come too far
No I can't go back
Back to how it was
Created for a place I've never known
This is home
Now I'm finally where I belong, where I belong
Yeah, this is home
I've been searching for a place of my own
Now I found it, maybe this is home
Yeah, this is home
Belief over misery
I've seen the enemy
And I won't go back
Back to how it was
And I got my heart set on what happens next
I got my eyes wide it's not over yet
We're miracles, and we're not alone.
And now, after all my searching
After all my questions
I'm gonna call it home
I got a brand new mindset
I can finally see the sunset
I'm gonna call it home
Now I know
Yeah, this is home
I've come too far
And I won't go back
Yeah this is home.
The Call
A song I really like is called "The Call" by Regina Spektor. If you have seen The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, you will recognize it as the song that accompanies the final scene.
I like the part about the feeling to hope to quiet thought to quiet word to battle cry (beginning), because it reminds me of God's word in my life. I also like how it says "no need to say goodbye" because I'm always awkward about goodbyes, feeling like I have to say all I want to say before we part ways. But I've realized that it never is goodbye forever - it's always "see you later."
I also like the part that says: "It's just a feeling and no one knows yet, But just because they can't feel it too, Doesn't mean that you have to forget, Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes..."
You can listen to it free online, but I think you have to purchase the entire Prince Caspian soundtrack if you want to purchase the song on iTunes. Hope you get to listen to it sometime!
Here are the lyrics:
The Call - Regina Spektor
It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye
Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never been this way before
All you can do is try to know who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye
Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye
I like the part about the feeling to hope to quiet thought to quiet word to battle cry (beginning), because it reminds me of God's word in my life. I also like how it says "no need to say goodbye" because I'm always awkward about goodbyes, feeling like I have to say all I want to say before we part ways. But I've realized that it never is goodbye forever - it's always "see you later."
I also like the part that says: "It's just a feeling and no one knows yet, But just because they can't feel it too, Doesn't mean that you have to forget, Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes..."
You can listen to it free online, but I think you have to purchase the entire Prince Caspian soundtrack if you want to purchase the song on iTunes. Hope you get to listen to it sometime!
Here are the lyrics:
The Call - Regina Spektor
It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word
And then that word grew louder and louder
'Til it was a battle cry
I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye
Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never been this way before
All you can do is try to know who your friends are
As you head off to the war
Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye
Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye
You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye
Thursday, May 28, 2009
But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength.
Some powerful Scripture I wanted to share:
Isaiah 40:28-31
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount on wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
God is strong and we when we rely on Him, we can renew our strength in him.
Isaiah 40:28-31
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount on wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
God is strong and we when we rely on Him, we can renew our strength in him.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A few days without blogging
It's been a few days since I blogged last. I thought this week was going to be dull and boring and uneventful, but in thinking that, I planned some things and it has been more full that I expected. Thus, the lack of blogging...
I spent a lot of today and yesterday reading and preparing curriculum for the class I'm teaching. I sometimes get lost in it a little and needed to take a break after today - wow - I was a little fried. I took someone's shift at work tomorrow (yay for money, boo for standing on my feet for 5 hours) - hopefully it will be just the right balance of some customers and enough time to read some, and hopefully an interesting coworker to work with.
Interesting to note: I have 4 buckets of sand/gravel and 5 empty bowl-shaped aquariums in the backseat of my car. Why, do you ask? Well, they're a part of a lesson I'm going to be borrowing from my professor for the class I'm teaching - it will incorporate water pollution and clean-up. I had to get it today because he's moving his office and is packing all his stuff up. This also means that he's getting rid of a lot of old education and science books. I definitely helped myself to some of them - especially the ones that have lesson plan ideas and the like. It was tough not to get sucked into the vortex of free books - I love bookstores and the promise of learning in all the books available. Put the word "free" with that, and watch out... No worries - I think I came home with less than 10 and they will all be used in my pursuits as a teacher.
Also interesting to note: I have 6.5 shelves which are at least half dedicated to books (most of those are full of books). So, if you ever want to come peruse and borrow, let me know!
Signing off for the night... Tonight's post was really random...
I spent a lot of today and yesterday reading and preparing curriculum for the class I'm teaching. I sometimes get lost in it a little and needed to take a break after today - wow - I was a little fried. I took someone's shift at work tomorrow (yay for money, boo for standing on my feet for 5 hours) - hopefully it will be just the right balance of some customers and enough time to read some, and hopefully an interesting coworker to work with.
Interesting to note: I have 4 buckets of sand/gravel and 5 empty bowl-shaped aquariums in the backseat of my car. Why, do you ask? Well, they're a part of a lesson I'm going to be borrowing from my professor for the class I'm teaching - it will incorporate water pollution and clean-up. I had to get it today because he's moving his office and is packing all his stuff up. This also means that he's getting rid of a lot of old education and science books. I definitely helped myself to some of them - especially the ones that have lesson plan ideas and the like. It was tough not to get sucked into the vortex of free books - I love bookstores and the promise of learning in all the books available. Put the word "free" with that, and watch out... No worries - I think I came home with less than 10 and they will all be used in my pursuits as a teacher.
Also interesting to note: I have 6.5 shelves which are at least half dedicated to books (most of those are full of books). So, if you ever want to come peruse and borrow, let me know!
Signing off for the night... Tonight's post was really random...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Borrow Mine
One song that really captures my life right now: Borrow Mine by Bebo Norman.
Take my hand and walk with me a while
'Cause it seems your smile has left you
And don't give in, when you fall apart
And your broken heart has failed you
I'll set a light up
On a hilltop
To show you my love
For this world to see
You can borrow mine
When your hope is gone
Borrow mine
When you can't go on
'Cause the world will not defeat you
When we're side by side
When your faith is hard to find
You can borrow mine
Take my love when all that you can see
Is the raging sea all around us
And don't give up 'cause I'm not letting go
And the God we know will not fail us
We'll lay it all down
As we call out
Sweet Savior
Heal our unbelief
When you are weak
Unable to speak
You are not alone
The God who has saved us
Will never forsake us
He's coming to take us
Take us to our home
Take my hand
Take my love
Don't give in
Don't give up
Take my hand and walk with me a while
'Cause it seems your smile has left you
And don't give in, when you fall apart
And your broken heart has failed you
I'll set a light up
On a hilltop
To show you my love
For this world to see
You can borrow mine
When your hope is gone
Borrow mine
When you can't go on
'Cause the world will not defeat you
When we're side by side
When your faith is hard to find
You can borrow mine
Take my love when all that you can see
Is the raging sea all around us
And don't give up 'cause I'm not letting go
And the God we know will not fail us
We'll lay it all down
As we call out
Sweet Savior
Heal our unbelief
When you are weak
Unable to speak
You are not alone
The God who has saved us
Will never forsake us
He's coming to take us
Take us to our home
Take my hand
Take my love
Don't give in
Don't give up
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Live Simply
A sign on my desk days: Live Simply. This past few days, in my efforts to rearrange my room, I have been trying to minimize and create a space for myself - a space that's life-giving, a space that's simple and free of clutter. I'm not quite there - I have a few more organizing tasks to do to maximize functionality... but it's better. I've managed to section my room into a bed/book/relax area and a desk/get-it-done area. My desk now has a hutch on top that will hopefully keep some of the clutter off my desk...
Watched Kung Foo Panda tonight with my dad. It wasn't as funny as Madagascar but it was pretty good - a simple message: "there is no secret ingredient, you just have to believe in yourself" (or something like that). It was good to spend time with my dad. And we actually made dinner instead of getting food out:) We make a good team.
Not sure if I'm all that cut-out to be a blogger. I still hold some fears of self-disclosure as I'm not totally sure who all is reading this, since anyone has access (I think). And my thoughts aren't all too interesting... I'm hoping for some philosophical ones here at some point:) We'll see how it goes - 4 days - so far, so good.
More adventures to come...
Watched Kung Foo Panda tonight with my dad. It wasn't as funny as Madagascar but it was pretty good - a simple message: "there is no secret ingredient, you just have to believe in yourself" (or something like that). It was good to spend time with my dad. And we actually made dinner instead of getting food out:) We make a good team.
Not sure if I'm all that cut-out to be a blogger. I still hold some fears of self-disclosure as I'm not totally sure who all is reading this, since anyone has access (I think). And my thoughts aren't all too interesting... I'm hoping for some philosophical ones here at some point:) We'll see how it goes - 4 days - so far, so good.
More adventures to come...
Friday, May 22, 2009
I got the job!
Not sure if I mentioned this yet, but I applied to be an instructor (well, THE instructor) for the Iowa First Nations Program, a science program for 9-11 grade Native American students from across the country. Well, I got it!! ...despite the fact that I'm not a certified teacher nor do I have a whole lot of experience working with diverse student groups...
It's a 2-week course, everyday 9-3pm (minus lunch) and my job is to develop the curriculum (with the program director) and teach it. Many of these kids are some of the 1st people in their family to consider college, so they'll get a taste of college life (dorms, dorm food, visiting/using campus buildings). Should be fun!
Since I got that, I have decided not to do work week at Castaway Club. I was hoping to go (despite the fact that I'd have to drive most of the way to and back by myself...boo) but I decided I need to be in Iowa City to begin developing the curriculum (I have two weeks to get it all set!). So if you're an Iowa Citian, you get to have me around for an extra week of the summer. If you're a Castaway-ian(?) you won't see me til 3rd session! yay for work crew bossin'!
Nothing too deep today... I moved all the furniture in my room myself (picture me at 7am trying not to make too much noise while hoisting bookcases and a huge desk across the room by myself... yikes). I got impatient and a little gung-ho... So it's closer - now I just need to go through things to get rid of some stuff and make new places for things. It's fun:)
Signing off for tonight. Sweet dreams!
It's a 2-week course, everyday 9-3pm (minus lunch) and my job is to develop the curriculum (with the program director) and teach it. Many of these kids are some of the 1st people in their family to consider college, so they'll get a taste of college life (dorms, dorm food, visiting/using campus buildings). Should be fun!
Since I got that, I have decided not to do work week at Castaway Club. I was hoping to go (despite the fact that I'd have to drive most of the way to and back by myself...boo) but I decided I need to be in Iowa City to begin developing the curriculum (I have two weeks to get it all set!). So if you're an Iowa Citian, you get to have me around for an extra week of the summer. If you're a Castaway-ian(?) you won't see me til 3rd session! yay for work crew bossin'!
Nothing too deep today... I moved all the furniture in my room myself (picture me at 7am trying not to make too much noise while hoisting bookcases and a huge desk across the room by myself... yikes). I got impatient and a little gung-ho... So it's closer - now I just need to go through things to get rid of some stuff and make new places for things. It's fun:)
Signing off for tonight. Sweet dreams!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A great day: rearrangement and permission to lean on Jesus
Today was a wonderful day. I contemplated different arrangements of furniture in my room, went to an interview for a 2-week summer teaching position, started rearranging my room, ate Panera with a 6th grade friend named April, had dinner with a same-age friend named Kara, and am now heading to bed.
I am reading Jesus Creed by Scot McKnight and learned about Jesus in the Wilderness today. Scot pointed out that Jesus was called into the wilderness just after his baptism (which he never needed - a sinless man repenting for his sins, what? but therefore, could repent perfectly - blows me away!) and is tested in the wilderness the same three ways Israel was tested (to trust God's providence, to trust God's timing, to worship God alone) and Israel failed. But Jesus passed perfectly. And so, Scot says "we can draw on the strength of Jesus who in the wilderness did trust the Father perfectly...Jesus' own trust can empower your struggle to trust." Wow - so freeing. We aren't and will never be perfect but we can lean on Jesus - whose faith and trust in the Father is perfect - in our weakness!
Moved my bed tonight which means I only 1/2-way rearranged my room (did my closet and my bed...) and now I have to wait for help in moving the other pieces of furniture. Hoping to do it soon so my room isn't left ashamble for too long... Anyone want to help me move a bookshelf and a desk from one side of my room to the other? Oh wait, I don't think anyone follows my blog yet, so probably won't get a response;) hehe. But you can say: oh yes, I totally would've helped had I been a trusty follower of Katie Graf's blog that one night... It's okay - I forgive you preemptively - oo, another thing Scot talks about in his book. It's a good one - read it.
I am reading Jesus Creed by Scot McKnight and learned about Jesus in the Wilderness today. Scot pointed out that Jesus was called into the wilderness just after his baptism (which he never needed - a sinless man repenting for his sins, what? but therefore, could repent perfectly - blows me away!) and is tested in the wilderness the same three ways Israel was tested (to trust God's providence, to trust God's timing, to worship God alone) and Israel failed. But Jesus passed perfectly. And so, Scot says "we can draw on the strength of Jesus who in the wilderness did trust the Father perfectly...Jesus' own trust can empower your struggle to trust." Wow - so freeing. We aren't and will never be perfect but we can lean on Jesus - whose faith and trust in the Father is perfect - in our weakness!
Moved my bed tonight which means I only 1/2-way rearranged my room (did my closet and my bed...) and now I have to wait for help in moving the other pieces of furniture. Hoping to do it soon so my room isn't left ashamble for too long... Anyone want to help me move a bookshelf and a desk from one side of my room to the other? Oh wait, I don't think anyone follows my blog yet, so probably won't get a response;) hehe. But you can say: oh yes, I totally would've helped had I been a trusty follower of Katie Graf's blog that one night... It's okay - I forgive you preemptively - oo, another thing Scot talks about in his book. It's a good one - read it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Starting a Blog
So I'm trying this whole blog thing because I'm going to be out and about around this beautiful country pretty much the whole summer and I'm not sure I want to do mass emails... so - let's see if I can keep this up!
My summer plans:
Taking kids to Wyld Life camp at Timberwolf Lake in Michigan June 9-13
Possibly teaching a science class at Iowa June 13-27 (interview is tomorrow...)
Visiting/volunteering at Wilderness Ranch June 29-July 4ish
Taking a Geology course in Crested Butte, CO July 5-14
Graf family reunion near Green Bay July 19-23
Work Crew Boss at Castaway Club, Detroit Lakes, MN - July 24-Aug. 14
Classes start for my last year of grad school at Univ. of Iowa Aug. 24
Phew... So that's a lot of different places and I'll hopefully give a regular update on my adventures:)
My summer plans:
Taking kids to Wyld Life camp at Timberwolf Lake in Michigan June 9-13
Possibly teaching a science class at Iowa June 13-27 (interview is tomorrow...)
Visiting/volunteering at Wilderness Ranch June 29-July 4ish
Taking a Geology course in Crested Butte, CO July 5-14
Graf family reunion near Green Bay July 19-23
Work Crew Boss at Castaway Club, Detroit Lakes, MN - July 24-Aug. 14
Classes start for my last year of grad school at Univ. of Iowa Aug. 24
Phew... So that's a lot of different places and I'll hopefully give a regular update on my adventures:)
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