Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A few days without blogging

It's been a few days since I blogged last. I thought this week was going to be dull and boring and uneventful, but in thinking that, I planned some things and it has been more full that I expected. Thus, the lack of blogging...

I spent a lot of today and yesterday reading and preparing curriculum for the class I'm teaching. I sometimes get lost in it a little and needed to take a break after today - wow - I was a little fried. I took someone's shift at work tomorrow (yay for money, boo for standing on my feet for 5 hours) - hopefully it will be just the right balance of some customers and enough time to read some, and hopefully an interesting coworker to work with.

Interesting to note: I have 4 buckets of sand/gravel and 5 empty bowl-shaped aquariums in the backseat of my car. Why, do you ask? Well, they're a part of a lesson I'm going to be borrowing from my professor for the class I'm teaching - it will incorporate water pollution and clean-up. I had to get it today because he's moving his office and is packing all his stuff up. This also means that he's getting rid of a lot of old education and science books. I definitely helped myself to some of them - especially the ones that have lesson plan ideas and the like. It was tough not to get sucked into the vortex of free books - I love bookstores and the promise of learning in all the books available. Put the word "free" with that, and watch out... No worries - I think I came home with less than 10 and they will all be used in my pursuits as a teacher.

Also interesting to note: I have 6.5 shelves which are at least half dedicated to books (most of those are full of books). So, if you ever want to come peruse and borrow, let me know!

Signing off for the night... Tonight's post was really random...

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